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Getting Started On Your

Fitness Journey is Easy

You are here because you want to be better and you are ready to join us.
Which is perfect, because we want you here with us!

Do You Just Want More Information About Us?

You can schedule a complimentary meeting with us at a convenient time, during which you’ll get a chance to learn about what we do, why we do it, and why it works so well (no workout involved). The purpose is to help us serve you better by getting to know you and your goals, expectations, fitness level, and experience.


If you'd like to schedule an Intro meeting, please contact us to schedule your appointment at least one day in advance, and together we can see where your fitness level is and how we can help you reach your goals.

Are You Ready to Start I/O?

If you're new to Functional Fitness and ready to start, we require you to attend our Foundations program. Here you will be introduced to the 9 foundational movements and learn about the correct form so you can get started safely and with confidence. When you join the main classes, the coaches will continue to work with you to help you develop your technique and increase the intensity of your workout.


These classes will be structured like our daily classes, but there will be more time spent on movements followed by a short WOD (Workout-of-the-Day), incorporating the skill of focus that day. We help you build your work capacity and get you comfortable with the movements so you are comfortable in our daily classes.


  • Our Foundations program is a two-week course that start the 1st two weeks of every month.

  • Each Foundations class runs about 1-1.5 hours in length, and is scheduled in small group sessions.

  • The classes are the first 2 Tuesdays & Thursdays of every month at 7:30pm.

Every first Tuesday of the month, a new Foundations cycle begins.  


The Foundations program must be completed within a 30 day period. It is important that you attend each of these sessions in order as these skills build upon each other.  


If you cannot make it to one of the scheduled sessions above, a personal training session can be scheduled between you and the coach for an add'l $20 fee. Any add'l rescheduled class beyond the first one will be billed at the Personal Training rate of $55/hr.


 At the completion of the Foundations program, you may start attending the regular group sessions.


Due to the time commitment of our coaches, Foundations costs $150. If you'd like to sign up for our Foundations program click below.


Do You Need Personal Foundations?

If you cannot make the above time slots for any reason, you may purchase (4) one-on-one personal coaching sessions (scheduled between you and a coach) for $200. If you'd like to sign up for our Personal One-on-One Foundations program click below.


Upon completion of your Foundations, you can seamlessly enroll for a membership in our daily group classes. In a small group setting, we provide your exercise programming (warm-up, skill/strength work, workout, and mobility work) and supply all the necessary equipment. You will always receive instruction from a CrossFit trainer and will consistently be observed to ensure that you are performing all movements in a safe and efficient manner. Scaling options for every workout will be determined between you and your coach and will fit your goals and experience.

Do You Still Have Questions?





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